Here are a few suggestions on how to properly ask this type of question.' – DavidPostill, bwDraco, Kevin Panko, LawrenceC, mdpc Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

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But the OCR is only PDF to text, not PDF to PDF!There is also another project ġ75 2 2 gold badges 3 3 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges closed as off-topic by DavidPostill ♦, bwDraco, Kevin Panko, LawrenceC, mdpc Jan 10 '15 at 4:18 I already tried : Finereader 6 pro on xp at the time, but there was no batch processor included.Paperfile which uses Tesseract. Note: In the past, if a PDF file was password protected, I removed the password with another batch (paying) tool: 'pwdremover' Why use (a9t9) Free OCR for Windows Store? The application is simple to install/uninstall, and very easy to use 2. The application includes support for reading and OCR'ing PDF files. Free open-source OCR software for the Windows Store. Step-by-step guides will help you to start developing your mobile app with our free OCR SDK. My goal : I give the program a folder and it search alone in the subfolders the PDF files that need to be converted into PDF-OCRed files. So I would like to OCR many of my PDF files that are not already OCRed. It is normal as ' PDF files that contain scanned images' are not indexed ( ) I use Google Desktop Search (I am on Vista) and not all my PDF files are recognized in my archive folder.